Our consulting team of IT experts can partner with you to provide guidance on technology selection and implementation as you pursue solutions to business challenges.
What we have to offer:
IT Governance
- Discuss business need and benefits of proposed technology
- Build awareness of alternate tools and options that may be available
- IT support activity and effort considerations
- Understand Governance Committee engagement and requirements
Technical Support for RFPs
- Help buyer to integrate Vendor Risk Assessment process with procurement
- Prepare potential vendors to respond to VRA request
- Help with scoring the vendor
- Validate integration requirements for Financial Systems Integration
Vendor Risk Assessments (VRAs)
- Help the department submit a VRA
- Guide the department to whether the VRA can be unit led or ISO led
- Coordinate between the vendor, department, Information Security Office (ISO) and procurement department to ensure that the VRA is moving forward
- Help department to formulate the department response to VRA
More details on the VRA process can be found here.
Risk Review
- Provide technical support to business partners to respond to security policy assessments and help them understand the policy in context of the department's business. (For example IS-3 policy)
- Assist in preparing for Risks and Controls Review for business processes